Friday, August 31, 2012

You NEED to SEe this!!: One 4 kids Zaky DVDs

Hello Folks!
So not too long ago, while looking around online I happened upon some incredibly adorable Islamic videos for Muslim children!  The character Zaky and the videos were created by a company called One 4 Kids. They company has already produced seven films so far and are set to come out with perhaps two more by the end of the the year inshallah.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Growing up with Mixed Hair and Hijab...

Salam folks!
In the past few days I have felt inspired to take some steps in growing and taking better care of my hair. I’ve done a lot of research, watched tons of you tube videos and even talked to my best friend about it and she is right on board with me!
I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with my hair like most women. I think my particular experience was driven by issues being mixed and bicultural.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Project Bucket LIst: Finishing Qur'an for Ramadan and Updates

Asalamu Alaykum folks!

Artwork by Moi!

ALhamdoolilah I can't stop smiling as I am proud to announce I met one of my most important goals I set this Ramadan...
I finally finished the Quran in 30 days!

and the crowd goes wild!!!

You are AmaZing


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